Tuesday, November 14, 2023

RI Laws/Queering our School/Video

 RI Laws/Queering our School/Video 


    The first quote is from the RI Laws regarding the guidance for Rhode Island Schools on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students. In the document itself, one of the purposes for the guidance is to "Foster an educational environment that is safe and free from discrimination for all students, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression,"(pg.1). The laws within all correspond and respond to the contents of the previous quote. Everything within that quote is explained thoroughly. It really is important for any teacher in the Rhode Island school system to have some familiarity with these laws. 

    The second quote is from Queering Our Schools. "And Sasha Fleischmann's skirt was set on fire on an Oakland, California, bus by a 16-year old students from another school (Sasha is an agender youth)"(pg.22). This quote is from the beginning of the article and really sets the tone for the rest of it. Bullying and discrimination within schools toward the LGBTQ+ community is intolerable and is the main focus of this article. Solving this problem within the school system and making schools safe for adults and students within the LGBTQ+ is still going on today. 

    The third quote comes from the video Woke Read Alouds: They, She, He easy as ABC. During this video the speaker says, "You are going to meet people who liked to be called more than one thing." This is the main point of the read aloud. The target audience is children, and the read aloud is to further their understanding that some people do liked to be called more than one thing, and that some people don't like to be called certain things. In school systems, bringing up to younger audiences the concept of pronouns is becoming more and more popular today. 

Here is an article that further discusses the school climate surrounding transgender individuals. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1059840518818259

The Definitive Guide to Pronouns

1 comment:

  1. I think it is important for teachers to know of any laws that may affect them.



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