Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Blog Post #5


Blog Post #5

Why Intersectionality cant wait

By Kimberlé Crenshaw


    While reading Why Intersectionality Cant Wait, I was able to pick out several quotes that I found to have important relevance to the text. The first quote comes right after Crenshaw mentions the concept of Intersectionality. "But if women and girls of color continue to be left  in the shadows, something vital to the understanding of intersectionality has been lost." said Crenshaw, this is her first main point in the text. She then follows this up with DeGraffenreid vs. General Motors as an example. The second quote that I found to have importance to this piece was, "People of color within LGBTQ movements; girls of color in the fight against the school-to-prison pipeline; women within immigration movements; trans women within feminist movements; and people with disabilities fighting police abuse — all face vulnerabilities that reflect the intersections of racism, sexism, class oppression, transphobia, able-ism and more. Intersectionality has given many advocates a way to frame their circumstances and to fight for their visibility and inclusion.". Crenshaw has now expanded into a broader example of Intersectionality by mentioning other groups of people being oppressed that deserve better. It only makes sense that we can apply the same idea of intersectionality for other groups to shed light. The final quote I have picked, "In the context of addressing the racial disparities that still plague our nation, activists and stakeholders must raise awareness about the intersectional dimensions of racial injustice that must be addressed to enhance the lives of all youths of color." gives a really solid ending for Crenshaws work. Now we have an idea on where this problem can begin to be solved. It starts with raising awareness of oppression and of the concept of Intersectionality. Solving the problem also requires us as students, and as future teachers to spread the concept of intersectionality.

If you are having trouble understanding Intersectionality or need a quick reminder, here is a short video of Crenshaw explaining Intersectionality !


Intersectionality - FYS 101 - Research Guides at Syracuse University  Libraries


  1. thank you for those quotes, i really liked that you backed it up with the information

  2. They do seem to try to hire one type of person specifically.



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